Annabel Hammer Acupuncture

General Wellbeing

In Chinese Medicine, it is thought that emotions reflect the movement of our qi, so when our emotions become “out of balance” it can negatively impact our health. Whether it is anger, fear, grief, shock, sadness, worry or joy, all affect our qi in different ways. This can become problematic if we express one emotion in excess, or on the flipside, suppress a particular emotion. 

This may manifest as headaches, digestive complaints, menstrual disorders, anxiety, depression, aches and pains, insomnia, skin conditions, recurrent colds and flu, the list goes on!

Lifestyle and other external causes can certainly play a part, and sometimes we won’t know the exact cause. You may have already been through a series of investigations, blood tests, scans and still get no explanation. Or you may have a Western Diagnosis, where we can work together, along with your care providers and support you in a holistic way.

In Chinese Medicine, we observe any imbalances in your energy that might be causing disharmony and contributing to your symptoms and aim to look at the whole picture. You might need to make a few lifestyle changes along the way and acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can give you that extra boost and motivation to support you through this process and help you feel your best.